David Ludlam from CMU: Maverick For Life
The Grand Junction Spotlight is on David Ludlam this week, who is a maverick for life. David has been working for CMU for the past few months but was literally born a Maverick.
David Ludlam is the Public Relations Director at Colorado Mesa University says that his job is all about:
...helping the community understand the connections between the university and the communities that host our buildings and support our students.
It also involves coming into MIx 104.3 for the best interview of David's life and partnering with local groups like the Lions Club. Although David has been working for CMU, he was born a Maverick.
David says he comes from a long line of Mavericks. His parents and grandparents are all CMU alumni and so is David. He told me even his wife is Maverick, who he met on campus. David says he's always had a connection with CMU and always wanted to work with them.
Being able to come full circle and now be an employee there and contribute to a mission that's greater than myself for the benefit for our community, and even our country, is certainly a rewarding career.
David is thankful for the opportunities CMU has given to him, his parents and all of his family and is happy he gets to work there. He says it's amazing to watch the campus and the student body grow over the years, along with amenities and opportunities. CMU continually evolves to meet the need s of the community and will continue to do so in the future.
Colorado Mesa Universty loves to give back the community and here are a few ways they do it:
- Student-athletes recently helped prepare over 100 turkeys for families in need
- Various departments are adopting families to ensure kids have Christmas presents
- David's department recently served at the Catholic Outreach soup kitchen
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