Creating New Memories for the 4th of July
Remember “back in the day” when you used to be able to run around with sparklers and the 4th of July was the best. No worries in the world. Well, that was a different era.
It’s a little sad how much stress people are under now and how different the 4th of July seems to be. We know that one of the decisions to ban fireworks has been a good call especially with how dry Colorado is.
Remembering the good ole days helps me to keep things in perspective. Asking you about your favorite 4th of July memory made me think of my brother.
One year my brother thought it would be funny to put a firecracker in my grandmother’s cigarette. My grandmother, not so much. She almost killed my brother that day. It was my favorite 4th of July because it makes me laugh to this day.
It’s nice to hear others reminisce about their favorite memory, but honestly, it bums me out a little not to be a tad crazy with the kids. I get that kids today don’t understand the fun of holding a sparkler, or lighting up a cherry bomb, or having roman candle wars, but what will they remember when they’re adults?
My solution to creating new memories is to make the BEST food possible. Food can change everything. Make it fun and enjoy!
Apple Pie is a tradition for us every year and it's super easy to make.
- Four Large Green Apples
- Real Butter
- Sugar
- Cinnamon
- Already Made Pie Crust
- Preheat oven to 425 degrees
- Press pie crust in pie pan
Peel apples and slice them. Place a layer down and add 3 tablespoons of butter on top of the apples along with some sugar and cinnamon. Repeat.
Place top layer of crust over the apples.
Bake for 50 minutes. And voila .. there's a start to an excellent memory!
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