Round Two: Vote for Grand Junction’s Best Nail Salon
After asking 'where is Grand Junction best nail salon?' we received a lot of feedback. Not only did we get a lot of votes, but we got a lot of write-ins as well.
I got my hair done recently and now it's time to take care of these nails. The hangnail and overgrown cuticles bring tears to my eyes, and not in a good way.
Since I got so many write-ins for Grand Junction's best nail salon, I decided to change the poll up. Well is not so much of changing it, but more like extending it.
I added some of the popular nail salon submissions to extend the voting list. It's time for round two of voting for Grand Junction's best nail salon.
If you don't see your magic-making nail salon on the voting list, write them in. (I really need them to work their magic on my nails -- very badly.)
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