No Surgery Required to Change Sex On Colorado Drivers License
For those wishing to change their gender designation on their Colorado driver's license, no specific surgery is required.
In fact, Colorado law also does not require residents to undergo any sort of treatment or clinical care or behavioral healthcare in order to implement a change of sex designation on their license. However, in addition to presenting a Change of Sex Designation form in person at the driver's license office, individuals need a signature from their" licensed treating medical or behavioral provider confirming the individual received appropriate clinical treatment for their correct sex."
The only stipulations are that you have to make the change to your driver's license in person and you can only change your sex designation one time. If another change is needed it would require a court order that indicates a sex change designation is necessary.
This is not a new law, but one that a lot of Coloradans may not be aware of. It went into effect late in 2018. The options for designating your gender on your driver's license are now M, F, or X. Anyone can change their sex designation but those under the age of 18 need a health care provider and parent, guardian, or legal representative to sign the change of sex designation form.
There are currently 12 states that allow a non-binary sex identifier on driver licenses and identification cards. Sex is not defined by the Colorado statute, which means it was not necessary to have legislative approval in order for this policy to go into effect.