Make Sure You Thank A Police Officer Today
It's Law Enforcement Appreciation Day!
So often we forget to thank those that help the community. Today is a great day to recognize those police officers that put their life on the line to keep us safe.
Why not buy some coffee and donuts today and say thank you to these wonderful men and women. Here are three delicious suggestions for you to think about.
An excellent taste of Colorado in a cup and a loving way to say thank you. Smooth and fabulous. Friendly and everything is done locally.
Love, love, love this bakery. Fresh and melt in your mouth delicious. A sweet treat for our awesome law enforcement here in the Valley.
A non-profit coffee shop that serves the community in a warm way. Scrumptious pastries, delightful latte's ... Ahhh!
Regardless if you take these suggestions or not just try and be mindful if you see any law enforcement while you're out and about and say THANK YOU.