Often times we talk about our least favorite intersections in Grand Junction, based upon how long we have to wait at a particular stop light. Here's a different twist - a look at the five worst intersections in Grand Junction -- that don't have a stop light.

Be sure and cast your vote below for Grand Junction's Worst Intersection Without A Stop Light. If you know of a particularly troublesome intersection, and it's not on the list, please add it in our poll at the bottom of this post.

  • 1

    Unaweep and 29 Road

    Unaweep and 29 Road can be brutal, especially during rush hour. There can be a long line of cars traveling south on 29 Road, making left turns off Unaweep nearly impossible, and an adventure at best.

  • 2

    Bogart Lane / Rimrock Avenue

    Here's one I purposely avoid all the time, but especially on Saturdays and during the Christmas holiday season. Making a left turn off Bogart onto Rimrock is quite a challenge just about any time. For me, it's worth it to head down past Sprouts to get back on to Highway 6 and 50.

  • 3

    Any Left Turn On to Patterson or North

    This one is pretty broad so it's lumped into one. Turning left or crossing Patterson or North without a stop light is something to avoid. It's not necessarily bad early in the morning or late in the evening, but most of the time, turning left on to either of these two main thoroughfares is really a bad idea. You never want to be in the car behind the vehicle that is trying to make a left turn across four busy lanes of traffic.

  • 4

    24 1/2 Road and Mesa Mall

    Getting in and out of the mall at this intersection can be extremely interesting, especially during the holiday shopping season. You can forget about attempting a left turn. Traffic coming into the mall has the right-of-way with the option to go left or right, leaving mall traffic waiting and hoping for a good opportunity. Left turns coming out of the mall can also be tricky.

  • 5

    7th and Colorado Avenue

    There are a couple of things that make this interesting and challenging. For cars on Colorado Avenue, visibility of traffic on 7th Street can be an issue. Then there is the idea of making the left turn onto 7th and getting all the way around the median.

    Zane Mathews
    Zane Mathews

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