Grand Junction's population is growing each year, which increases traffic flow and more dangerous intersections. With an expanding population and not much room for road growth in certain areas, some intersections have become more dangerous than others.

Here are five Grand Junction intersections with high crash records, according to the Grand Junction Police Department.

  • 12th Street and Patterson Road
  • 7th Street and North Avenue
  • 12th Street and North Avenue
  • 1st Street and Grand Avenue
  • 7th Street and Patterson Road

It is not limited to just these intersections. Here are some friendly reminders to keep the roads safe.

Be a defensive driver. Assume everyone around you is going to do something wrong. This keeps you more alert and aware of the cars around you. Waiting for a second to go when the light turns green. Make eye contact at stop signs before you go. Simple defensive moves like this make a huge difference.

Get off your cell phone. Even at lights or a stop sign. It's Grand Junction, the longest commute is maybe 20 minutes. Friends or coworkers can wait.

Leave five minutes early. This will leave you in less of a rush, hopefully creating less tailgating, speeding, and running lights.


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