- Hey impressionable girls everywhere, Cameron Diaz says you all want to be objectified. [Amy Grindhouse]

- Jennifer Lawrence once awesomely screamed in Daniel Radcliffe's face. [Hypable]

- Helen Mirren plays 'Mirren, Mirren' with Jimmy Fallon. And keeps a straight face. [SeriouslyOMG]

- Lady Gaga has sex with a cake on YouTube. PAY ATTENTION TO ME, PLEBES. [Rickey]

- 'The Pretty Little Liars' cast shows off their pretty large breasts. [IDLYITW]

- Miley Cyrus' questionable taste evidenced when she tweets her girl crush on Kristen Stewart. [HollyScoop]

- Rihanna is MIA on her 777 Tour and the journalists are about to resort to cannibalism. [PopCrush]

- No animals were harmed in the making of 'The Hobbit.' Except those 27. [ScreenCrush]

- Kendra Wilkinson is still pissed Kelsey Grammer brought a baby to the Playboy mansion. [The Superficial]

- Mitt Romney took his wife to see 'Breaking Dawn.' We totally made the right choice, America. [Gawker]


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