After news hit of a breakup between Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, even more news was announced that the Biebs was trying to win her back, that they were sharing a bed and now that they're possibly back together after a very public fight.

Whoever's in charge of updating their respective relationship statuses on Facebook must be exhausted.

The couple was spotted leaving dinner in California on Friday night after an argument forced them to exit early. Or 10 minutes into the meal to be exact, with Gomez skipping out ahead of Bieber, probably because of the way he was dressed.

"They had just sat down and didn't order when they started to fight. Ten minutes later, they stormed out without speaking and she drove off in her car,” a source claims, saying that after Gomez left Bieber dealt with his rage by “screaming” and “cursing.”

According to the photographer following the couple, Bieber followed Gomez home, but when he wasn't allowed past her front gate he and his hideous matching shirt and pant combo drove off.

That Sunday, the couple was spotted on much better terms, cuddling up to one another after the American Music Awards.

Gomez accompanied Bieber to a private party held by his manager Scooter Braun, and the pair reportedly went to a hidden table in the back room where they could be the life of their own little private party.

A witness says they were "dancing on each other ... they seemed to be in great spirits and were clearly enjoying their time together." Then they crept out a back entrance around 2:30 a.m., probably to get together and break up a few more times before the sun came up.

Kids these days.

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