Remember to Wear Your RED Today – Remember Everyone Deployed
Remember Everyone Deployed is one of my favorite ways to show those I know in the military that I support them and pray for them often.
Their safety to return home safe and sound is the mission on this side.
The mission statement of RED states that this operation is to bring unity and support for deployed servicemembers each Friday until they return home to their families.
It's a statement nationally to serve the military community and their families by letting them know that they're not forgotten. It's a way to bring unity to America and stand by each other in a positive light.
I think I love this organization so much because when I was a military wife and we were stationed in Fayetteville, North Carolina, at Pope Air Force Base which was located in the middle of Ft. Bragg my ex-husband was a C-130 pilot and was deployed all the time. The unknown was scary.
It was difficult having the crew gone and not knowing what was to come or what was next.
We didn't have this organization back then but I found comfort when my hometown in Colorado would do something to encourage us and pray for us through the storm.
It's awesome to see the United States come together and unite by wearing their RED every Friday. Team U.S.A all the way for this girl.
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