My Wishlist for This Summer In Grand Junction
Summer is right around the corner and I have a few things I'm wishing for before then. There's everything from a new swimsuit to a dirt bike on my Grand Junction summer wishlist.
It seems like we're launching straight into summer without any warning at all. I'm wishing for a few things before it's sun's out, fun's out. This is my wishlist for this summer in Grand Junction.
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Bikini Time...Maybe
I totally need a new swimsuit before summer hits. I'm not sure what I'll get, it could be a one-piece or two-piece. But I'll know the perfect swimsuit for this summer when I see it.
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Dirt Bike
I love seeing people traveling with their dirt bike in the back -- if only I could be that person. A dirt bike is something I've always wanted and seems like it'd be the perfect summer addition.
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Fly Fishing Skills
It seems like I'm constantly asked if I know how to fly fish and I always have to say...no, I don't. Some fly fishing skills are definitely on my summer wishlist. Because I'm up for anything that helps me catch fish.
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Not having a tent has made me not go camping in Colorado yet. This needs to be changed, ASAP. I don't care what kind or what size, as long as I can fit myself, my beer and my boyfriend in it.
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Giant Floatie
I've seen them everywhere and I want one. I don't care it it's a unicorn floatie, a flamingo floatie, or a pizza floatie -- I want it. My pool is going to be open soon and I need something to support me and my beverage while I soak up the sun. These are my only requirements for my floatie.
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New Sunglasses
The sun in Grand Junction does not mess around. It's bright and in your face and I need some protection. The sunglasses I've got now are a bit scratched, so having a new pair I can see clearly out of would be great. I'm also wishing that they come with a case.
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Water Bottle
My current water bottle's lid and straw do not get along. No matter what they won't stay attached. A new water bottle is on my summer wishlist. Something lightweight, reusable and with a functioning straw is what I"m wishing for.
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More Exploring
I'd like to keep on exploring our beautiful state of Colorado this summer. I'm wishing that I'll be able to take more road trips, visit new places and discover new fishing spots.
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