Mesa County Commissioners Spending 2.7 Million on Resurfacing Project
If you talk to most drivers in Mesa County often times when you are driving it feels like a game of Frogger when you're attempting to avoid the potholes in the roads, especially on North Avenue. But it also feels like there are always construction projects going on, but as soon as one hole is fixed wait two weeks and there will be another one this time one block down the road. So, it shouldn't be shocking to find out that Mesa County Commissioners want to do something about the on-going project so they approved a new large resurfacing project that will affect Palisade and East Orchard Mesa.
We are getting the details about the large $2.7 million dollar budget for the project from KKCO, which was officially approved this week by the Board of Commissioners. While I'm sure no residents in the area will want to deal with any traffic delays due to the new project, everyone will enjoy the newly resurfaced roadway just as soon as the project is complete.
What Will the Resurfacing Project Look Like
Some of the roads that are in the worst shape will get completely new pavement adding up to a few inches of new asphalt. But a majority of the work will be done with a chip and seal, this is more of a temporary resurfacing. The areas receiving the chip and seal will also receive a new overlay.

When Will the New Resurfacing Project Begin
The new project is expected to begin in about a month, so early to the middle of April crews will begin. All of the roads being worked on are Mesa County-owned, this new project will not affect any highways, it's mostly local streets. You can expect this project to last through the summer months.
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