"Could marijuana really cause schizophrenia in teenagers? Volunteers, anyone?"

That's a question on one of Colorado's new anti-marijuana campaign for teens.

Advertising agency Sukle Advertising & Design was tasked to create a new campaign for Gov. Hickenlooper's office to educate kids of the potential dangers weed can have on a developing brain.

Giant rat cages are popping up all over Denver to spread the message in areas kids are most likely to hang out, skate parks, libraries, and Red Rocks Amphitheater.

They also have a web campaign titled "Don't Be a Lab Rat," which shares statistics from media outlets, an interactive commercial that will run before movies and a TV commercial.

The cages hold an "educational" message on them, warning kids not to be a lab rat. For example:

Congratulations. You're the first generation living in a state with legalized marijuana.

Scientists can't wait to see the negative effects it will have on your brain.


What do the effects of lead paint, mercury, and weed on teenagers' brains all have in common?

We're about to find out.

Mike Sukle told the Washington Post that kids are confused about the effects of marijuana. Some younger kids had exaggerated views, thinking it was potentially dangerous. While older teenagers were more relaxed on their views of marijuana.

What do you think of this new campaign? Do you think it's effective or just another scare tactic to keep kids off the pot.

This kind of reminds us of this classic anti-marijuana ad:

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