A while ago, I shared some things about me that you did not know. Since that time, it has come to my attention that there are things that I do not understand about myself. Things that I like, or don't and things that simply do not make sense.

Here are Dave Bradley's Top 5 things I would still like to know about Dave Bradley.

1. Why do I have a thing about green olives? I mean, if they are stuffed with something or on a toothpick on a drink, they are delicious. However, I cannot handle them by themselves. I can sit down and eat black olives all day long. It makes no sense to me.

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Another thing....I cannot stop playing with bubble wrap. Is this normal? Do I need a support group for this? Snap, pop, snap, snap, snap, snap! LOVE IT! Perhaps it is just the kid in me coming out again

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I like heights, for things like roller coasters and such, and I can ride them all day long, but I NEVER have any inclination to ever jump out of a plane and depending on a parachute to do its job. Just not feeling it LOL

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I love Kangaroos. That's all.


I love Mister Rogers. What? You don't....oh come on! Who wouldn't want to be this guy neighborhood. Or am I out on my own on this one. See I told you there are still many things I don't know about myself.

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Finally, I have a very unhealthy love of N'sync. Lord knows why.  I am an odd duck for sure.

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