Would You Support Decriminalizing ‘Psychedelics’ in Colorado?
It's known that Colorado is green friendly with having legal marijuana beginning back in 2014, but now there are residents in the state that want more than legal weed, they want Psychedelics.
We got the details from Westword that multiple Colorado Springs residents recently visited a city council meeting pitching to the council members on why the town should decriminalize psychedelic plants. This just got me thinking about whether decriminalizing psychedelics in the state of Colorado is a good idea or not, and I am not certain one way or the other.
In the city council meeting mentioned above, there were three veterans who all spoke about after going through combat, the use of psychedelics helped relieve their symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. While I have never served in our military, I am a big supporter of all veterans so if we can help them out I am a fan of doing so.
In the United States currently, both Oakland and Santa Cruz, California have voted to decriminalize certain natural psychedelics. Ann Arbor, Michigan voted to decriminalize entheogens. Oregon will soon be voting on ballot measures to regulate psychedelics.
For psychedelics to become legal in just Colorado Springs it will be a difficult task as the city has repeatedly voted down recreational marijuana sales in their town. So, I wouldn't exactly expect this to change anytime soon.
But, would you support the idea of psychedelics becoming decriminalized here in the state of Colorado? This is going to be an interesting topic for years to come.
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