WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

An abandoned Colorado barn is full of strange sights including a hose rigged up in a questionable way, a pile of batteries, and women’s underwear spread out all over the ground.

Location of Abandoned Colorado Barn

The abandoned barn is located in Brighton, Colorado and according to the videographer, somewhere on Sable Boulevard, putting it in a fairly rural area but also close to Colorado's major E-470 highway.

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Women's Underwear Found in Colorado Barn

One thing that makes this abandoned barn even more creepy than just a regular old abandoned barn is the surprising amount of women's underwear found in it. While exploring the barn, the videographer found several pairs of panties and bras, in addition to a woman's shoe and multiple pairs of pants laying around.

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Another Strange Sight Found in Colorado Barn

In addition to the women's underwear strewn about the abandoned barn, something else very strange was found. In the main room of the barn sat an old office chair with a hose tied around it. The hose went up through the main level's ceiling and appeared to be attached to the upper level's ceiling. In addition, a cinder block was tied to the hose. It takes quite an imagination to conclude exactly why this strange sight was concocted in the first place.

Other Things Found in Abandoned Colorado Barn

Nothing found in the barn would be considered normal by any means. In addition to the women's clothing and the strange sight of the chair and hose, a giant pile of Mountain Dew bottles was found, as well as a pile of batteries and a pillow with the word 'princess' stitched into it.

Take a virtual tour of this abandoned Colorado barn:

Women’s Underwear + Strange Sights Found in Old Colorado Barn

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

An abandoned Colorado barn is full of strange sights including a hose rigged up in a questionable way, a pile of batteries, and women’s underwear spread out all over the ground.

Gallery Credit: Nate Wilde

Abandoned Colorado House May Be Home to Disturbed Squatter

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

Disturbing graffiti and recent signs of life suggest that an unstable squatter may be living in an abandoned Colorado home.

Gallery Credit: Nate Wilde

Creepy Headless Dolls and Noose Found in Abandoned Colorado Barn

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

An abandoned barn in Colorado is filled with creepy items including decapitated dolls and nooses hanging from the ceiling.

Gallery Credit: Nate Wilde

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