A sneak peak at what 2014 holds for YOU!

I'll be honest I think we make our own destiny and are responsible for the good and the bad or lack there of in our lives, but even so it's nice to feel like the stars can give us some insight into our future . . .

Here's What 2014 Has in Store for YOU according to Yahoo!Shine:

  1. Aries - March 21st  thru April 19th
  2. Taurus - April 19th thru May 20th
  3. Gemini - May 21st thru June 20th
  4. Cancer - June 22nd thru July 22nd
  5. Leo - July 23rd thru August 22nd
  6. Virgo - August 23rd thru September 22nd
  7. Libra - September 23rd thru October 22nd
  8. Scorpio - October 23rd thru November 21st
  9. Sagittarius - November 21st thru December 21st
  10. Capricorn - December 22nd thru January 19th
  11. Aquarius - January 20th thru February 17th
  12. Pisces - February 18th thru March 20th

Apparently I am in for the kinda LUCK that only comes around every 12 years! Wahoo, look at 2014 here I come!


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