Yet again I am asking for your help. Don't be shocked as this will probably happen often, especially in my first year living in the Grand Valley. This time it has to do with finding a romantic restaurant.

Not only do I have Valentine's Day coming up like all men should be thinking about right now but my wife Savannah is also celebrating a birthday later this month (January 24th) so I really need some ideas on where to take her.

While most of the time my wife is all about grabbing some delicious tacos and a margarita, she also likes to get dressed up and hit the town for a nice date night. Like most guys, I normally drop the ball when it comes to Valentine's Day. I feel like it is a "Hallmark holiday", but I still love to show my wife how much I truly appreciate and love her. She is without a doubt the best thing that ever happened to me.

I'm lucky in the fact that my bride isn't picky when it comes to food, it can be steak, seafood, or just about anything. I just want to give her a special experience seeing as how we recently moved here. We have both fallen in love with the area and I want to find something special that she can remember.

That is where I need your help when you think romantic restaurants in the Grand Valley where do you like to go? Any suggestions you throw my way are greatly appreciated.

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