Walmart Pulls Violent Game Displays In Grand Junction
Walmart has announced that they will be immediately pulling all violent game displays and video game displays especially X-Box and Playstation consoles following a mass shooting at one of the stores in Texas.
This is not only in Grand Junction and Colorado. This will be in effect starting immediately nationwide.
I'm not an expert of any kind, but are we becoming a society that can't even look at a display without thinking; "umm ... that looks like something I'd like to do in real life?"
Seriously folks, do we think that this is going to solve the problem?
Strange that the company has not changed the sale of video games, nor have they changed its policy on gun sales.
According to The Associated Press employees have been ordered to turn off all the hunting videos that they usually have playing in their sporting good area.
I just don't see improvement from this kind of action. Do you?
I understand the reasoning and that it may feel like this is a wonderful solution, but I'm afraid it's not going to make much of a difference.
SOURCE: Fox21News
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