There's been much talk about the re-emergence of Twinkies, formerly made by Hostess. When Twinkies disappeared, there was a public outcry. How can we live without Twinkies? But, the fact is, very little was said about  the Twinkies'  close relative, the Ding Dong- the round chocolate cake filled with white, creamy filling. Even now, all of the publicity is about Twinkies are returning to store shelves this summer,  while Ding Dongs are left in obscurity. It's not right. Has there ever been a song written about Twinkies?

I don't know about that, but I do know there's a song about Ding Dongs. The comedic team of Williams and Ree wrote the "Ding Dong Song" and it was featured in the "Wiliams and Ree Movie," back in the late 80s.

If you never caught up with or heard of   Williams and Ree you can You Tube them and see some of their funny stuff. But, to celebrate the summer return  of Ding Dongs-as well as Twinkies- I wanted to give equal time to the Ding Dong, and share with you the song about the guy who "died with a ding dong in his hand."  What a way to go.

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