Take a Look at Grand Junction Showing Off Their Artistic Skills
After sharing some of my 'meeting doodles' with you, Grand Junction shared their works of art with us. Take a look at Grand Junction showing off their artistic skills.
I find myself drawing during meetings, a lot. And with some encouragement from my coworker, Zane Matthews, I decided to share some of my "meeting doodles." I'm so happy that I did because then Grand Junction shared their art with me.
I am amazed at Susan's skill. Drawing people is no easy task and she nailed this Rod Stewart portrait.
Apparently, Susan's art skills aren't limited to just Rod Stewart or people in general. Pictured above is a lily she drew for Mother's Day. I'd be so happy if someone gave this beautiful drawing to me.
Ink and pen drawings are so much fun and it looks like Michaela had some fun with this one. I like the geometry of this drawing and the bright bursts of purple.
Anthony expresses his love for our station in his picture above. It seems as if he's trying to say we're the love of his life. We love you too, Anthony.