Twitter Gets Lazy For National Lazy Mom's DayTwitter Gets Lazy For National Lazy Mom's DayIf you're a mom, you deserve a day to be lazy. Today is that day because it's National Lazy Mom's Day! Here's how Twitter is celebrating.Alicia SelinAlicia Selin
This Is the Best Way to Watch Anything on Your PhoneThis Is the Best Way to Watch Anything on Your PhoneLove using your phone, but hate, you know, the aggravation that comes from holding it? Here's a simple solution.Staff WriterStaff Writer
The New ‘Whopper-Holder’ – Has Laziness Really Come To This?The New ‘Whopper-Holder’ – Has Laziness Really Come To This?If you love eating hamburgers, but HATE having to expend energy to actually hold one up to your mouth? Burger King has a solution!Spencer BennettSpencer Bennett
Watch These Lazy Dogs Getting Dragged Across the Floor — Daily DistractionWatch These Lazy Dogs Getting Dragged Across the Floor — Daily DistractionSometimes a dog just doesn't feel like it. Feel like what, exactly? Anything. So he just lies there, on the ground, and if you want him to move, well, good luck with that.Daily DistractionDaily Distraction