The Rosevale fire is extinguished, but the work is just beginning for fire investigators, families left homeless, and those who's personal property is destroyed.

The Grand Junction Fire Department with the assistance of other fire departments in the area did an amazing job of containing the wind whipped fire to about 10 acres Monday night.

Still, the fire destroyed a manufactured home which was housing multiple families, numerous vehicles, and several outbuildings. The American Red Cross is assisting displaced families with finding housing and other immediate needs.

The photo below shared by the Grand Junction Fire Department shows how close the fire got to at least one home they were able to save.

Rosevale Fire Burns to Home Foundation
Courtesy Grand Junction Fire Department

The big question investigators have yet to answer is exactly where and how the fire started. They are asking anyone who has video and pictures of the fire to contact them at or by calling (970) 244-3919.

The photos, video, and other information can be used to piece together the timeline and likely the origin and cause of the fire.

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