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You hear about abandoned buildings or abandoned homes, even abandoned businesses all the time, but it's seldom you come across an entire neighborhood that has been abandoned.

An Abandoned Neighborhood

A self-described urban explorer based in Colorado found an entire neighborhood in Colorado Springs that has essentially been abandoned. Every home in the neighborhood is uninhabited, every business is closed, most of the buildings are boarded up and secured, and junk is everywhere.

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Theory Behind the Desolation

The urban explorer that walked around checking out the abandoned homes and buildings in this neighborhood hinted that one possibility for the widespread desolation is that someone with deep pockets bought the land and everything on it in order to tear it all down and rebuild.

Strange Things Were Found

Some of the things found in this abandoned neighborhood were what appears to be a former pizza place, graffiti in the form of poems written in pretty handwriting, scary and somewhat questionable-looking 'storage rooms,' and a world of junk, big and small, just left behind.

Take a virtual tour of a Colorado neighborhood that has been completely abandoned:

Check Out Entire Neighborhood Eerily Abandoned in Colorado

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An entire neighborhood in Colorado is full of homes and buildings that are completely abandoned.

An Old Colorado Ghost Town Has an Abandoned Cemetery

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The old abandoned town of Vicksburg, Colorado has an abandoned cemetery.

Check Out These Abandoned Colorado Tunnels

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There are several abandoned railway tunnels atop Manitou Springs, Colorado.

Check Out Colorado’s Abandoned ‘Space Church’

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There is a very strange, igloo-shaped building in Colorado that once served as a church:

Check Out an Abandoned Colorado Speedway

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Colorado Springs International Speedway is far beyond its glory days.

Check Out an Abandoned Missile Silo in Colorado

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The first missile silo built in the United States was in Colorado and is now abandoned.

Strange Abandoned Colorado Home Covered in Graffiti Art

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Deep in the Colorado wilderness sits a tall, narrow, abandoned home that is now covered from head to toe in graffiti art.

Remembering Now Abandoned Colorado Amusement Park

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Heritage Square was an amusement park in Golden, Colorado that was open from 1959 to 2018.

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