My Opinion on the Release of Michael McFadden
When you have your own kids, you will do anything that you can to protect them. We as parents will always have our children's best interests before our own.
I came across a story stating that a man who was found guilty of crimes against children was set free from prison. All because of a loop-hole in the legal system. What makes it even worse is the crimes took place right here in Mesa County.
This man was convicted on six counts of molesting boys and girls. He was sentenced to over 300 years in prison. But of course like any trial you are able to appeal. That is what he did, he said that because of the pre-trial delays it didn't follow Colorados speedy trial statutes. Because of this, the courts went in his favor and released him. This man doesn't even have to register as a sex offender.
What gets me, is the fact that he was found guilty of the crimes he committed. So why wouldn't the Colorado Supreme Court not take the case? As a parent, this is infuriating. How could you let somebody like that, who was found guilty just walk free? It just doesn't make any sense.
This allows him to do what he did all over again. Maybe something needs to change so something like this doesn't happen to any other children.
What do you think about him being set free? Let us know in the comments.
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