My Dog Koda Got Some Uneasy News from our Grand Junction Veterinarian
Ugh, we know that going into dog ownership there are going to be ups and downs but the companionship you get from a dog is worth every minute of the struggles. Especially when it comes to our always happy Koda-Friend. But unfortunately, while he was having a dental cleaning last week we got some news that wasn’t so good.
Beyond just the regular dental cleaning we also had our Veterinarian remove a small cyst-like mass. We didn’t think too much about it just wanted it removed for Koda to be comfortable. But when the Vet looked closer he discovered it to most likely be a mast cell tumor. And because it’s in a difficult spot it’s hard to get a large portion of the tumor to be tested.
What’s Next for Koda and His Road to Getting Healthy
We will take Koda back to the Vet this week to continue with some ear infection medication and get that cleaned up. The test results regarding his (most likely) tumor should be back this week as well so we know what he is up against.

We are Lucky That Koda Adopted Us
We first got Koda when we lived in Montana 10+ years ago. He has made us smile and laugh for 10 years since we rescued this amazing boy. It still boggles our mind that someone would give up a dog this amazing. But we will enjoy every minute we get with him, no matter how long or short that time period is. Hopefully, we get good news back this week and this is nothing to worry about. Fingers crossed.
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