Level 3: Mesa County Approved to Move to Next Phase of Reopening
Mesa County has been approved to move to the next phase of reopening. Mesa County is now in Level 3, which is the Protect our Neighbors phase.
Mesa County is among three other counties in Colorado that are now in the final phase of reopening. According to Mesa County Public Health, Mesa County is now in the Protect Our Neighbors phase of reopening after the COVID-19 pandemic.
The first phase was Level 1: Stay at Home, next was Level 2: Safe at Home and in the Vast, Great Outdoors and now Mesa County is the Protect Our Neighbors phase. According to Mesa County Public Health is what the Protect Our Neighbors phase entails:
- Communities that meet certain criteria have less stringent restrictions
- Gatherings up to 500 people (or 50% capacity) with physical distancing
Mesa County Public Health also adds that this final phase will be different based on each community, conditions, and capabilities.
They also added that it's important to keep our case numbers low, because the longer we keep our number of COVID-19 cases, the more Mesa County gets to open. According to Western Slope Now, Jeff Kuhr from Mesa County Public Health stated that for every four weeks Mesa County stays below our numbers, we get to increase capacity by 5%.
Mesa County has been praised for being a strong leader and example for being responsible and reopening early during the COVID-19 pandemic.