Well, I just found another box of classic Robert Grant photos featuring people, events, and landmarks from Grand Junction, Fruita, and other communities around Western Colorado. These were in a box labeled "People Unidentified."

These images feature everything from dances, concerts, civic events, human interest stories, farmers, and scouting. Take a quick look at the gallery below. You're bound to recognize photos of people you know, maybe even a shot or two of yourself.

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Classic Photos From Western Colorado

All of these photos were taken long before Robert Grant's retirement in 1985. One shot features a woman reading the latest edition of the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel. The headlines on that paper include an article about President Kennedy and a photo and story about the 4th of July climb up Independence Monument.

How Did These Turn Up?

These photos, like the others shared via this site over the last few years, come from Robert Grant's personal collection of photos. These images were scanned from prints developed by hand by Bob Grant. Those prints were in storage at Bob Grant's house in Grand Junction until his death in November of 2000. The prints and negatives then went to Bob's son-in-law, Arlie, who worked diligently at digitizing the collection. Upon Arlie's death in 2019, the prints and negatives came to me.

I've been working at digitizing and sharing the prints for some time now. It is proving, however, to be far too large a task for me to complete in my lifetime. Since it is essential to me that these photos get shared, the decision has been made to turn over Bob Grant's entire collection of photos to the Museum of the West in Grand Junction.

With that decision, work is underway to locate, sort, digitize, and share as many prints as possible before the collection is completely handed over to the museum.

Things To Watch For

Like always, keep your eyes open for familiar faces. You're bound to recognize someone.

With each print, even though no information was provided, the image contains a tremendous amount of information. Always look at the background. Bob went out of his to include an instantly recognizable landmark with almost every shot.

With these photos, the devil is in the details. Look closely for activity within the shot. One image looks at first to be nothing more than a sign on Grand Mesa. Look closer at it. Do you see the helicopter?

Spread The Word

One of the things I used to argue with Bob about was his refusal to write any information on his prints. Bob had a remarkable memory, especially when it came to people's names. Unfortunately, he took that information with him to his grave. I regret this round of prints was not accompanied by information as to the subjects.

With that, it looks as though it's up to you and me. Let's find out who these people are, and what they are doing, and then make that information available to the museum so that they can share it with everyone.

Classic Photos of Western Colorado Selected At Random - Robert Grant Photos

Here's another round of Robert Grant photos of people, places, and events around Western Colorado. These images came from a box of prints labeled "People Unidentified." 

These prints feature locations including Grand Junction, Fruita, and a few other areas around the valley. Unfortunately, every print has one thing in common - no information was provided as to those pictured, the places, or the events.

Take a close look. You're bound to recognize someone. It's entirely possible you may be pictured somewhere in the gallery. It happens every time I publish one of these galleries, someone recognizes a face or two. More often than not, someone sees a photo of themselves.

KEEP SCROLLING: Robert Grant Photos: Downtown Grand Junction Businesses of Yesterday

If you stop and think about it, several of the business pictured above are still up and running. Most of these photos were taken in the 1950s. Almost 70 years later, many are still going strong. Sure, some have moved to new locations, but others, Quincy's for example, are right where they've always been.

KEEP SCROLLING: Robert Grant Photos: Western Colorado Winters of the Past

Here's a short gallery of Robert Grant photos showcasing Grand Junction and Western Colorado winters. They sure are fun. Then again, sometimes the snow and cold temperatures result in trouble.

KEEP SCROLLING: Robert Grant Photos: Growers and Farmers of Western Colorado

You'll definitely recognize the surroundings. Bob Grant loved capturing Western Colorado icons in the shot. Whenever possible, he'd get Mt. Garfield in the background. If Mt. Garfield weren't available, he'd get the Bookcliffs, Grand Mesa, or even the Colorado National Monument.