You have spoken, and the little guy couldn't be happier.

He has sat, forlorn, wanting a new name but unable to help himself. But you, our loyal listeners have stepped it up! We asked for tour ideas on a name for our mascot and the creativity from all of you was just too much fun!

The choices you had were:

Quilly Nelson



Spiny Hermione

Hokey Pokey



Alas, the last two did not garner any votes, but here is how the rest of the submissions did.

Mesa held 15% of the vote, Knuckles just missed with 12.5% of the vote and Spiny Hermione with 6%.Hokey Pokey with 3% brought up the back end.

But with over 63% of the votes, our mascot now has a new name and it's:

Quilly Nelson!

So next time you come by the studio, make sure you come say hello to the latest star in the galaxy, Quilly Nelson!

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