Grand Junction Show Us How You Love Your Pets
Every single time there's a post about our pets I love seeing how many people get involved with showing off their pets Halloween costumes and what they're getting their pets for Christmas.
Showing them off is what we like to do and our pets deserve as much love as possible.
Let's see how Grand Junction loves on their pets for National Love Your Pet Day.
Some people have all kinds of pets, dogs, cats, horses, turtles, fish, hamsters, and some people like my daughter have exotic pets like snakes and lizards.
Yikes. I don't think those kind of pets are for me but if you're like my daughter I'm sure you love them with a considerable amount of warmth and tenderness.
Show your pet some extra t.l.c for National Love Your Pet Day and then show us the love by posting how you spoiled them.
Love your pet extra today ... well, love your pet extra every day as they do us regardless of how we are.
Meow, meow; woof, woof.
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