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Obviously, as we continue to pull out of this pandemic everyone is still trying to make sure they aren't spreading germs or doing anything to spread COVID-19. Plus this news is going to make germaphobes very happy to find out that the city of Grand Junction has now added 23 touchless water fountains and bottling stations throughout 18 different parks.

The details were released by KKCO, describing how the city used in total about $120,000 to purchase and install the new water fountains from the CARES act.

The city targeted the new water fountains for the most heavily used parks within city limits. The overall goal of the project is to allow people to reuse their water bottles, in hopes of not spreading any germs through touching the same surfaces like so many others attempting to get a drink of water. This is even more important with the current pandemic.

While the project is complete, the new water fountains and filling stations will not be turned on for public use until the weather gets warmer. The city expects to have water flowing through the new additions to the park by the middle to end of March.

It's amazing how many times we can go to the park and not notice new things like a new water fountain and bottle filling station. I'm fairly certain I have seen one of these new devices at Las Colonias Park, which I think is a fantastic idea with so many activities going on at that park.

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