Can Someone Tell Me the Secret to Dating in Grand Junction, Colorado?
Usually, people spend the majority of their free time with their loved ones, but what if you just moved to Grand Junction, Colorado and don't know anyone?
It is extremely exciting to be starting over again in a completely new state, but something that really didn't come into consideration was the loneliness. Yes, of course, I understood that leaving everything I knew would come at a cost, but whew - the price is hefty!

Life Before Grand Junction, Colorado
I never dated much prior to living here in Grand Junction, but that's because I always found myself in committed, long-term relationships.
To be honest, the most recent person I was in a relationship with was SUPPOSED to move here with me. Obviously, that didn't happen because I'm here asking for dating advice, but I'm taking the cards I was dealt and moving forward.
*Cue Olivia Rodriguez's Good 4 U
Finding Dates in Grand Junction, Colorado
As a newbie on the scene, I'm completely at a loss on how to find a good date around here. This is a whole new dating pool so it should be easy right?
Nope, nope, nope.
Facebook has a convenient option to set up a dating profile through their platform, so that's what I've opted to try. Other dating apps kind of intimidate me because I've heard so many horror stories.
Where Are the Good Men in Grand Junction?
Am I late? Are all the good men in Grand Junction already taken?
So far, I've agreed to 3 dates and yes, I'm willing to tell you all about them.
Date Number 1: The Grand Junction Native
I matched with a Grand Junction native and we chatted for about a week before agreeing to meet up. The guy was super nice, informative, and seemed pretty interested in getting to know each other better.
We set a time and place, exchanged numbers, and even talked about what we were going to wear to said date.
The guy completely stands me up, doesn't send a text or even a Facebook message to explain his absence. I never hear from him again.
Obviously, I'm off to a great start!
Date Number 2: The Colorado Native, But Grand Junction Transfer
This match seemed like a good fit, but things aren't always what they appear. The guy set up a time and place for us to grab drinks in town, which I thought was a good sign.
My date was late and when he arrived his first priority was to walk to the bar and order a drink instead of saying hello to me at the table.
It becomes clear that I'm paying for myself, which isn't an issue, but isn't this a date?
The conversation is fine, and he invites me to his house under the premise of hanging out and trying some powdered peanut butter.
I agree and soon realize I should've ended the evening at the bar. The guy ends up being one of those people who don't understand that, "no means no." I excuse myself and am happy to report that the evening of the date was my last interaction with him.
Date Number 3: The Grand Junction and Colorado Transfer
My next match is a California native who has been living in the area for a few years. After going back and forth due to conflicting schedules we finally have a chance to meet up.
The date is at his house, which honestly I'm completely fine with because sometimes it's easier to just keep things simple.
Things were pretty awkward at first, but the guy is super sweet and keeps checking in to make sure I'm comfortable. We have some drinks, watch a movie, and he stays a complete gentleman.
We've actually hung out a couple more times, and he's stayed consistent with making sure I'm feeling at ease, which is thoroughly appreciated. Where do things move from here? I'm not entirely sure, but he's basically my only friend in the area so I've recently been distancing myself as to not try to completely rely on him for company.
Grand Junction Dating Tips Needed
Happily taken ladies, can you pay it forward by providing some tips for dating in Grand Junction?
Colorado Date Night: Bring an Awful Date To An End Quickly With Any Of These Phrases
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