The entertainment industry offers a wide variety of films for the American public to enjoy and there seems to be something for just about everyone.  But if, like me, you've noticed that "family friendly" films are becoming more and more rare, you might feel like the opportunity to sit and watch a movie with your kids --without hitting the mute or fast forward button --  is no longer a possibility.

You  may remember some controversy surrounding the Academy Award winning film "The King's Speech". The movie, starring Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush, details the life of King George VI and his struggle to overcome his speech impediment with the help of an Australian speech therapist. The movie was praised for it's magnificent storyline and powerful acting deliveries -- but there was a certain scene which pushed the rating from a PG-13 to an R. Eventually the film was "re-released" for a limited time  with some of the profanities muted out, and was classified as "PG-13" replacing the R-rated one.  Although the movie was able to reach a larger audience in theaters with it's new rating, it is not available in the PG-13 version on DVD or blu ray.....until now.

Enter  "GoodMedia DVD's", a company that takes movies with content that some may find objectionable -- language, violence, sex scenes -- and edits them out, making them safe for little eyes and ears, and less offensive to those of us who just want to be entertained without being bombarded with ....stuff.  I have personally purchased several DVD's from them, including 'Ides of March', and '127 hours', and absolutely LOVE them. The prices are very reasonable (starting at $9.99, sometimes even less) and shipping is quick, usually within a week. The editing is done so well, that it is sometimes hard to tell anything has been skipped. Not all titles are available and be aware that you do not receive a DVD 'case' to go with the movie (this is one of the reasons they are able to provide this service at such a low cost).  Your movie will arrive in a white paper envelope sleeve with only the name of the movie printed on the DVD.

Edited DVD's
Trophy Wife

They have excellent customer service as well.  I once received a DVD from them that didn't play on my DVD player, and they were more than happy to ship a new one out immediately at no cost to me.

"GoodMedia DVD's"  is a private club, and you have to be referred by a member, but membership is free.  If you are interested in browsing their catalog and possibly picking up a film or two, you can go to their website and create an account.  Enter 'Crista White' as your referral friend and as the referral friend's email address. Happy movie watching!

Check out "GoodMedia DVD's" movie collection at their website.


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