Five Places I Think Grand Junction Needs
These places are what we're missing in Grand Junction. Why isn't there a Bojangles' anywhere close to here? These five places are what Grand Junction needs.
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I freaked out when I found out that there are no Bojangles' around here, not even close to here. I think the closest one is in Alabama. My stomach yearns for the deliciousness of Cajun Filet biscuit.
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H&M is one of my favorite clothing stores! They've got something for work, for going out, for chilling out, pretty much for everything. They've got good prices, cute clothes and I wish they were in Grand Junction.
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How spoiled was I to have a Zaxby's right down the street from my house? Fried chicken and Zax Sauce at my fingertips just a few minutes away. I guess the next time I'm in Utah, I'll hunt one down. Or go TO Utah, to hunt one down.
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I was introduced to this place while I was in California and I want more! I thought that surely being this far West (compared to North Carolina) would bring me closer to an In-N-Out. Surely, I was wrong. More reasons to go to Utah!
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Sherefe means "cheers" in Turkish and I loved this place! It was downtown in a cool two story building with a patio, and Turkish food is amazing! It's always nice to be surrounded by your own culture.
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