Get Involved! It’s Grand Junction’s National Night Out
Tonight is National Night Out. This is an amazing opportunity for you to take part with your neighbors and friends to stand up against crime in your neighborhood. This is also a great time to get to know their local law enforcement.
In Grand Junction, there are over 20 different communities who are celebrating tonight. There will be BBQ's, block parties, heck even pizza parties along with different events striving to get neighbors to know each other, and of course there will be members of the Grand Junction Police Department who will be taking part, along with members of the Mesa County Sheriff's Department.
The Grand Junction Police Department believes that if neighbors all know each other, and knows their surroundings and law enforcement, it promotes safety, because people and communitites will then know things or people who do not belong in the area.
The more you get to know your neighbors and the more you know about the law enforcement that is out on the streets everyday protecting us. The stronger we become in the fight against crime.
Is your area celebrating National Night Out? Find out below!