Decorations Are Up on Iconic Grand Junction/Delta Colorado Christmas Tree
Western Colorado is truly in the Christmas spirit as decorations go up on a local fixture. Are you familiar with the tree standing all by itself between Grand Junction and Delta? Check out the decorations.
The tree, located in that long stretch of nothing between Whitewater and Delta, gets a little TLC from time to time. It's looking good, as is the flag located directly across the highway.
Western Colorado and the Christmas Spirit
There may very well be a reason why the decorations are already up on the tree. Do you know why I'm always the first person in my neighborhood to have my Christmas decorations up? Simple. I never took them down from the previous year. Very efficient.
Admittedly, I haven't paid much attention while making the commute from Grand Junction to wherever. For all I know, these are the same decorations that have been on the tree for some time. In any event, the decorations are very cool.
Who Can We Thank for the Decorations?
Unfortunately, I have no idea. While the tree has frequently displayed decorations, I don't seem to recall ever seeing the Santa figure. That's a nice touch.
In years past someone actually hooked up a generator and powered lights on this tree. While I'm trying to get in the Christmas spirit, I'm not about to hook up my expensive generator and leave it in the middle of the desert. I might cough up $1.99 to buy one of those cheap solar lights at the department store. Sorry, but that's as far as I can go.
This is a Famous Colorado Landmark
Do you know this tree, or at least one of its predecessors, made national television? The tree was featured on the awesome episode of "On the Road" on CBS.
This is a Mesa County / Delta County Icon
This tree, in its various incarnations, has served a very important function for decades. In addition to being way-cool, this tree also serves as a critical landmark. The tree's location on Highway 50 marks the turning point for crews heading up to the various transmitters located on the Delta side of the Grand Mesa.
As you know, the stretch between Whitewater and Delta consists of a whole bunch of nothing. When heading to the transmitters, simply watch for a tree standing all by its lonesome in the middle of the desert. When you see it, slow down and turn left. After you see the tree, look immediately north. You'll see an American flag flying on the other side of Highway 50.
More Than One Tree at This Spot
According to the Daily Sentinel, over the last few decades there have been a number of trees in this spot. Yes, it seems there have been a total of five trees occupying the famous location. That fact comes from former Delta county commissioner Ted Hayden.
Western Colorado Christmas 2021
Special thanks to John Hocker for stopping along the highway and catching these images. If you're like me, the tree always sneaks up on you and the photo op gets missed.