Explore an Infamous Colorado Danger Zone
Colorado, for the most part, is a beautiful place to live. We've got mountains, plenty of beautiful scenery, a plethora of outdoor activities, and famous attractions such as Red Rocks Amphitheater, Garden of the Gods, and Mesa Verde, to name a few.
However, there are also some not-so-pretty parts of Colorado, including the infamous east Colfax area in Denver, 32 and an 8-Ball in Grand Junction, and Pueblo's east side.
I lived in Pueblo, Colorado for ten years and saw the good, bad, and ugly. In fact, while living there, it seemed like Pueblo was always ranked as the most dangerous city in Colorado. Intrigued, upon first moving there in 2006 I decided to give myself driving tours of the most notorious areas and was not disappointed.
Pueblo's east side is perhaps the most dangerous part of the Steel City, and for good reason. The area is unfortunately fairly poverty-stricken, and even has an area called the 'devil's triangle.'
Here's a virtual tour of Pueblo's infamous east side: