COVID-19 Not Keeping Santa Away From Mesa Mall
If you thought COVID-19 was going to be the kryptonite for Santa Claus this Christmas, think again.
Santa Claus will be making his annual appearance at Mesa Mall this holiday season in spite of the coronavirus, but it won't exactly be business as usual. Those visits will look a little different than they have in the past.
Mesa Mall has announced Santa Claus visits will be happening November 27- December 24 in the mall's Clock Court. Santa visits are scheduled 11:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. Monday-Saturday, 11 a.m. -7 p.m. on Sunday, and 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. on Christmas Eve. Advance reservations can be made online
As you might expect, there will be an emphasis this year on health and safety, along with the idea of giving children a fun and memorable experience with old Saint Nick. Here's a quick look at how things will go when you bring your kids or grandkids to see Santa at Mesa Mall.
Children will have the opportunity to visit with Santa, but that visit won't take place on Santa's lap. The interaction between Santa and each child will be a "socially distant conversation" and pictures with Santa will be done "safely."
Walk-up visits will be permitted as time and space allow. However, advance registration is strongly encouraged in an effort to promote social distancing and contactless payment for photo packages. The mall is also offering some digital experiences with Santa as well.
Visits with Santa Claus are such a huge part of the holiday season and a highlight for many children. We wondered if these traditional visits would be available this year in light of the recent surge in COVID cases all across America, but, it looks like they will be happening and there will a lot of happy boys and girls. Mesa Mall is working hard to make the holidays as normal as possible while working to keep everyone safe and healthy - and Santa is doing his part, too.
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