I'm not saying I could do better, I would just like to think I would have done better. But,  I totally understand it. You are extremely nervous. Millions of people are watching. You are are just moments away from what could be the biggest moment of your life. The pressure is on. Your mind goes blank. It's happened to all of us at some point in our lives - just not on national television in from of millions of people.

Just moments before Miss USA was crowned, in the interview portion of the competition,  Miss Utah was asked about the problem of women still earning less than men in the workplace. For about four seconds it appeared that she would produce a meaningful, intelligent response. But, then the bottom dropped out and her hopes of winning the title came crashing down to earth. For the next 26 seconds she struggled to formulate an answer, but the answer did not come.

My sympathies go out to Miss Utah - and maybe she wouldn't have won anyway. We will never know. Regardless, I hope she realizes it's not the end of the world. While it's a big disappointment, life goes on and in the broad spectrum of things,  it's really not that huge  of a deal.

In case you missed it, see for yourself.

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