Dishes We Miss Most From Former Grand Junction Colorado Restaurants
We've been getting things ready for the holidays, and talking about what is on the menu for Christmas dinner. This led us down memory lane and we started thinking about all the great restaurants in Grand Junction Colorado that are no longer around.
We heard from some of you who make homemade versions of some of the entrees that used to be available at restaurants from years gone by. What a fun way to enjoy the holidays.
Grand Junction Restaurants We Miss The Most
Which Grand Junction restaurants do you miss the most? Some of the most popular answers this week are WW Peppers, Talley's, Prime Cut, and more. Think of a restaurant that is no longer around in Grand Junction. What item from that menu do you miss the most?
Dishes from Former Grand Junction Restaurants We Wish Could Enjoy Again
Pepper rolls from WW Peppers and Biscuits and Gravy from Talley's are among the early leaders so far. What else can we add to the list? Head to our Facebook page to see the original QOTD, or open our Free station app to send us your answer with the app chat feature.