Yesterday, James Holmes Defense Attorneys entered a Guilty Plea so Holmes could avoid the Death Penalty and serve the rest of his life in prison.

You can get the full story from The Denver Post. I have mixed feeling about this. On one hand I don't want this guy to take the easy way out and get the Death Penalty, I want him to suffer for what he has done to his victims and their families.On the other hand, I don't want my tax dollars keeping him alive and feeding him 3 meals in prison. That's not fair to the victims who don't get to enjoy their lives anymore.

Unfortunately, we can't have the best of both worlds. He wouldn't suffer as much with a life sentence because he would be put in Protective Custody to avoid other inmates hurting him. So I'm on both sides of the fence. I would say I am leaning a little more on the side of the Death Penalty, but not much.

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