Risk Your Life by Wrestling an Alligator in Colorado
Are you looking for a bit of danger? Maybe you have a few screws loose ... kidding. Either way, Colorado offers a class where you can wrestle an alligator.
Colorado Gators in Alamosa, Colo. offers adrenaline junkies the rush of a lifetime. Those brave enough to step into a waterhole full of alligators can take a gator wrestling class for $100.
This is the real deal. Mouths are not taped shut, gators are not tranquilized and there is the real potential you'll end up in a gator's mouth. Sign me up!
Owner of Colorado Gators told Denver's ABC7:
We have to move alligators around and we have to medicate wounds on a regular basis. So we invite the public to come in and help us do our work.
The gators were first brought to the area as "garbage disposals" for the fish farm. It seems like an unlikely place to house gators, in the middle of an arid climate, but locals fell in love with the reptiles.
Now Gator Farms rescues gators from owners whose pets became too large and drop-offs from animal control and the police. They also rescue turtles and other wildlife.
So if you're looking to risk your life for some fun, while help Gator Farms care for their gators, head to Alamosa, jump in the water and pray.
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