10-year-old Faced Felony Charges For Toy Gun in Colorado Springs
Last summer, a 10-year-old boy and a friend were playing with a Nerf bow and arrow and a Nerf gun, playfully, as kids do, pretending to shoot cars as they drove by.
The boy and his parents were living on the base at Fort Carson and the young man was going to a friend's to spend the night and were playing in the front yard when one car stopped and confronted the boys because he thought they were shooting a BB gun.
The man came to the door and threatened to call the police and a short time later, the boy's parents came home to find their 10-year-old son in the back of a police car, handcuffed, waiting for his parents to arrive to sing some paperwork so he could be released.
At one point the young man was facing felony menacing charges and to date, the family has paid just over $4,000 to try and get his record expunged. He was also made to go through a diversion program and submit his grades, as well as complete community service.
The parents are hoping other parents learn from this, as they have and discuss with their children about the use of toy guns and to not point them at traffic.

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