Words Coloradans Can’t Pronounce
Since moving to Colorado from North Carolina, I've noticed people in Colorado say certain words in very weird ways. Here are the words Coloradans have a hard time pronouncing.
Dale WelcomeDale Welcome How They Say It: Sell | How It's Actually Said: Sale
Real Pronunciation: (SAY-L)
This is more common on the Western Slope of Colorado. Coloradan's pronunciation may stem from our proximity to Utah.
Buena Vista
Getty ImagesGetty Images How They Say It: Byoona Vista | How It's Actually Said: Bwayna Vista
Real Pronunciation: (BWAYNA-VIST-A)
Many Colorado words stem from Spanish. Much like this word. Coloradans seem to have "Americanized" it.
Getty ImagesGetty Images How They Say It: Sahlihda | How It's Actually Said: Sahleeda
Real Pronunciation: (SAH-LEE-DA)
Yet another butchered Spanish word. I think it's harder and feels unnatural and forced to say it the incorrect way.
ThinkStockThinkStock How They Say It: Detell | How It's Actually Said: Detail
Real Pronunciation: (DE-TAYL)
This pronunciation reminds me a lot of the pronunciation of "sale." Do Coloradans have something against the letter "A"?
Getty ImagesGetty Images How They Say It: Kiote | How It's Actually Said: Kiotee
Real Pronunciation: (KI-O-TEE)
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