A new study is out and according to Fox News, cheaters will cheat. It is just a matter of when. What causes this may surprise you. 

If you are waiting to see if you can catch your significant other in the act of cheating on you. Simply wait.  2,500 people were given more than 25,000 chances to cheat and researchers found the odds of cheating were nearly three times higher "at the end of a series," So what does this mean?

Wait until they are doing something that is getting ready to end, for instance, last semester of school or class, or the last week on the job, or even the last days of a business trip. Brand new research shows people are going to be dishonest for personal gain when they know they are close to the end of something, Scientific American reports.

“The data also suggests that people cheat at the end because they want to avoid feeling regret about passing up a final chance for personal gain,”


Emirates study said:

“We gave our participants different numbers of opportunities to cheat, undetected, for money. Our results showed that the odds of cheating were higher when people knew that it was their last chance to cheat, compared to when they thought they had more chances left,”


The studies all agreed on one thing. It is all about the gain. Does this make cheaters selfish? Self-centered? Perhaps.

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