City Asks For Community Input on Grand Junction’s Future
Seems like everybody has their own idea of what the future of Grand Junction should look like. Here's your chance to speak your mind.
The City of Grand Junction is working on a comprehensive plan that will shape the future of the community, and they are actually wanting input from the community on what direction to go in the next 20 years.
You are invited to take a few minutes and participate in an online survey to offer your input. Some of the questions are:
- What kind of new residential development would you like to see?
- What kind of non-residential development do you want to see? (restaurants, hotels, retail stores, professional offices, personal services, etc.)
- What types of development do you NOT want to see?
The survey asks for your opinion on the quality of life in Grand Junction, what it looks like in 5 years, how you feel about education in Grand Junction, public facilities, where the city is weak, where its strengths are, and what you think the top priorities should be for the comprehensive plan.
I say kudos to the City of Grand Junction for taking the initiative to look to the future of the community to ask it's residents for their input. Seems like we are always pretty quick to judge and criticize the decisions of those we have placed in positions of leadership as we watch from the sidelines refusing to get involved. Well, here's your chance to get involved, speak your mind, and offer your input on the future of Grand Junction.
I encourage you to take the survey and take advantage of this opportunity to voice your thoughts and opinions - good and bad.