What NOT To Do This 4th of July
When we celebrate America, we go hard. Here are a few things NOT to do this 4th of July.
- Thinkstock
Thinkstock Don't Drink and Drive
Drink one for freedom, but don't drive. In 2016, 288 drivers under the influence were arrested. Don't be one of them. That's why we have things like friends, family, Uber and taxis.
- Getty Images
Getty Images Don't Get Burned By Fireworks
Don't point fireworks at people and remember to let them go when you light them. Also, don't let your kids use fireworks without supervision.Obey local laws and keep a hose and bucket of water close by - can't be TOO safe.
- Getty Images
Getty Images Your Pet Is Not Your Drinking Buddy
Alcohol is not meant for your dog or your cat. Not because they don't want to hang out with you, but because it's poisonous to them. America is your drinking buddy today. Watch out for things like dough too.
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