With Christmas quickly approaching, it's time to thinking about what you're going to get the most important person in your life -- your pet.

My little cuddle butt aka Jax (my cat) means so much to me and I can't wait to celebrate Christmas with him. Although he'd probably be happy with some wrapping paper and an empty box, I still plan on getting him a Christmas present.

We asked on our Facebook and here's what Grand Junction is getting their pets for Christmas.

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    Cozy Beds

    A few people commented on our Facebook and said they're giving their pups a new dog bed. One person couldn't wait until Christmas and gifted her dog a bed and a dog house.

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    I'm pretty sure no one's pet would turn down a treat. Some Christmas gifts include catnip, treats, cookies and a whole box from Chewy.com. I like giving my cat all kinds of treats, but I do have to use some portion control for his own sake.

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    Annual Snowman

    Every year Heather Navel says she gets her lab a fuzzy snowman to love to pieces. Seems like a good tradition for them both.

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    Even though Grand Junction's pets may be getting gifts, they might deserve something else too. Sunnie says her cat needs an exorcism because he likes to corner her and chase her through the house and attack her. You've got to have that balance between love and discipline with your pets. I bet Sunny's cat will still get something nice for Christmas.

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