A warning for residents of Grand Junction! The City is on the lookout for properties with weeds over 6" tall!

Here's the deal, if you have weeds over 6" tall you can expect a warning on your door to rectify the problem by a certain date.

If you DON'T the City of Grand Junction will do it for you and it will cost a TON, plus you'll be ticketed as well!

This includes your back yard too!

Last year I had a backdoor neighbor turn me in so my advice is to take care of it before they get out of control...and the City of Grand Junction does it for you.

And if you have time to help your elderly neighbors with their yards as well.

I hate to say it, but they shouldn't have to look far!

I drive by many areas that are under the Cities supervision and there are weeds knee high and they're watering the sidewalks! But that's just my observation and has no basis on this story . . .

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