The FBI is looking for help in identifying two individuals on a crime spree in Colorado.

According to a press release from the FBI, two different men are being sought for bank robberies that have occurred in the Denver area recently.

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The Scruffy Bandit

The first male that the FBI is seeking the identity of has been nicknamed the "Scruffy Bandit," due to his unkempt facial hair.

Authorities believe the man may be White or Hispanic and he is estimated to be between the ages of 20-30. The individual is approximately 5’7” to 5’8” in height and is usually dressed in a beanie or hat.

While the suspect has not displayed a weapon during any of his robberies, the bank tellers were rightfully frightened by the experience.

The Scruffy Bandit is known to give the bank teller a "demand note," and then after receiving the money, flees the scene. Investigators believe the Scruffy Bandit is responsible for multiple bank robberies, and 1 attempted bank robbery.

The Retro Bandit

The second male being sought by the FBI has been nicknamed the "Retro Bandit," due to a pair of old flip sunglasses he's worn during his crimes.

Law enforcement is looking for a white male between the ages of 50-60. The man is believed to be  5’8” to 6’0” in height. The Retro Bandit also wears prescription glasses, has grey hair and a beard.

Police believe that the Retro Bandit is responsible for two bank robberies.

Where to Report Tips to the FBI

If you believe you have information about either bank robbery suspect please contact the FBI Rocky Mountain Safe Streets Task Force at 303-629-7171. To make an anonymous report call Crimestoppers at 720-913-STOP (7867).

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